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Lebanese diaspora tech groups LebNet and LCTechHub merge to better serve their constituents

13 Feb 2019 4:38 AM | Anonymous member

A merger was finalized on February 13 between LebNet, a US based non-profit organization and the Lebanese Canadian Tech Hub (LCTechHub), a Canada based non-profit organization. Both North American groups are dedicated to enable tech entrepreneurs and professionals of Lebanese descent to succeed on a global stage. This merger follows hard on the heels of a strong partnership between these two groups reflected in common events and mentoring activities. The new organization will adopt LebNet’s online presence and its new logo which was unveiled on October 2018.

The new LebNet will have a membership exceeding 1,000 tech professionals and will be better positioned to accelerate the implementation of the LebNet 2.0 plan of expanding communities in the US and Canada, while developing more programs and events to serve its constituents. The programs will include mentoring, internships, coaching, and job referrals to name a few. In addition, LebNet will harness a larger knowledge base and professional expertise to strengthen Lebanon’s tech bridge to North America: paying it forward remains a priority.

“This merger brings together two organizations with similar goals and aspirations operating in complementary regions” said Fadi Joseph, LCTechHub President. “This will allow us to connect our members in the fast growing Canadian tech sector to their counterparts in US cities. We are very excited to expand the professional reach of Lebanese Canadians from tech focused cities like Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver.” Fadi Joseph, along with Raymond Lahoud and Frederick Wardini from LCTechHub, will be joining LebNet’s board of directors.

“This just feels right and is long overdue,” said Abdo George Kadifa, LebNet Chairman. “The new organization will better support our members everywhere in North America and more importantly, present a unified front to our stakeholders in the Lebanese entrepreneurship ecosystem; it’s a win-win all around.”

This merger coincides with the establishment of a new role of CEO for LebNet as of January 1, 2019 which will be filled by George Akiki, previous President and co-founder.

LebNet, a non-profit organization, serves as a multi-faceted platform for Lebanese professionals residing in the US and Canada, entrepreneurs, investors, business partners in a broad technology eco-system, and acts as a bridge to their counterparts in Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East......


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