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Let's Meet on October 20th!

  • 20 Oct 2022
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • 550 Uptown Ct, Kirkland WA 98033


Registration is closed

Join the Pacific Northwest community on October 20th for an evening with the steering committee member and our special guest speaker Wissam Tabbara

Wissam is the founder and CEO at Truebase, a B2B sales intelligence platform. He built three businesses from scratch and has a track record of growing businesses and helping them succeed. Wissam has over 15 years of cross-functional managerial experience and holds an MBA in Information and Technology from the City University of Seattle. 

This is a unique opportunity to connect with the American Lebanese Tech community in Washington, Portland, and Idaho. Join the LebNet network of more than 1200 executives, entrepreneurs, students and young professionals working in the Hi-Tech space.

Come with your questions, suggestions, and recommendations on how we can best serve our Pacific Northwest community. We want to meet you and hear from you! 

Getting to the venue:

The venue is located at 550 Uptown Ct, Kirkland WA 98033. The event will be hosted at the lobby of the Uptown apartment building at Kirkland Urban (same building as Dough Zone in downtown Kirkland). The apartment building has an underground parking and it is free if visitors validate it at QFC or at one of the retail shops in the area. Street parking is also available. 

Light appetizers and refreshments will be served.

Admission fees:

LebNet, a non-profit organization, serves as a multi-faceted platform for Lebanese professionals residing in the US and Canada, entrepreneurs, investors, business partners in a broad technology eco-system, and acts as a bridge to their counterparts in Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East......


205 De Anza Blvd., #315, San Mateo, CA 94402, USA. +1.650.539.3536

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