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LebNet San Francisco Happy Hour

  • 25 May 2023
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Southern Pacific Brewing, San Francisco


Registration is closed

The LebNet Bay Area community invites you to join its monthly San Francisco happy hour on May 25th, from 6PM till 9PM, at Southern Pacific Brewing.

If you reside in San Francisco or close by, join us after work for a casual evening of mingling with other Lebanese fellows in the tech industry. This is a great chance to meet new friends and get updates on the community's latest news! This event is open to all: members and friends of LebNet!

We are also planning on doing rotating happy hours between South Bay and East Bay as well so stay tuned!

We look forward to seeing many of you! Please register by clicking on the button on the left if you plan to come.

Getting to the Venue:

Southern Pacific Brewing is located at 620 Treat Ave. San Francisco, CA 94110. The place offers an indoor and an outdoor space and you can find it on the Google Map by visiting this link

LebNet, a non-profit organization, serves as a multi-faceted platform for Lebanese professionals residing in the US and Canada, entrepreneurs, investors, business partners in a broad technology eco-system, and acts as a bridge to their counterparts in Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East......


205 De Anza Blvd., #315, San Mateo, CA 94402, USA. +1.650.539.3536

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