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LebNet Event - November 7th, 2013

  • 07 Nov 2013
  • 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Tannourine Restaurant, 120 W. 25th Ave. San Mateo, CA 94403
  • 22


  • Offered only to current students.

Registration is closed

Mark your calendars for Thursday November 7th, 2013, and join us for the next LebNet event which will be held at the Tannourine Restaurant, featuring Ahmad Chatila, President and CEO of SunEdison.

SunEdison (NYSE: SUNE) is a global leader in solar power. It is using the energy from the sun to bring electricity to the planet by making it accessible and affordable, while maintaining an unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship. Ahmad will take us through the evolving landscape in the solar and cleantech industries. 

Please register online and pay $30 ($15 for registered students) securely via your Paypal account or your credit card to guarantee your seat. The registration price includes dinner, wine and drinks.

This event is open to LebNet members and their guests. Make sure you enter the guest name(s) upon registration. Online registration will close on Wednesday November 6th at 6pm PST. There will be no walk-in registration.


6:30pm     Door Opens

7-8pm      Networking and Dinner 

8-9pm      Solar and Cleantech - Ahmad Chatila

9-9:30pm Q&A, Networking and Wrap-up

Looking forward to seeing you at the event.

LebNet, a non-profit organization, serves as a multi-faceted platform for Lebanese professionals residing in the US and Canada, entrepreneurs, investors, business partners in a broad technology eco-system, and acts as a bridge to their counterparts in Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East......


205 De Anza Blvd., #315, San Mateo, CA 94402, USA. +1.650.539.3536

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