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LebNet Annual FundRaising Campaign Tax-deductible donation

  • 19 Dec 2013
  • 14 Feb 2014
  • 11:30 PM
  • Use DONATE option. Fund Raised: $79,048 out of $100,000 (BoD: $27,806, Members: $51,242)
We are kicking off our fundraising campaign for 2013-2014 between now and February 14th, 2014 and want to solicit your contribution. Our goal is to raise $100,000, which represents about 1.5X our annual budgeted expenses, to be used as described in our most recent newsletter (Letter from the President, December 2013). 

Our top priorities are: 1) Build a human capital membership database, 2) Develop the LIFE -LebNet platform partnership, 3) Implement a mentorship program for a select number of CEOs of lebanese startups. 

Our expenses are summarized as follows:

- Part-Time Executive Director
- Operating expenses:
   - Travel expenses to partners / beneficiary companies
   - Legal and tax preparation fees
   - PR and sponsored events
   - Website upgrade and maintenance
   - Social media presence
   - Administrative expenses
   - Student subsidies to attend our social events

No membership fees will be assessed through 2014. We are offering the following sponsorship levels, based on discretionary annual tax-deductible donations (EIN 27-3472825):
Silver:          Up to $499
Gold:           $500 to $4,999
Platinum:     $5,000 to $9,999
Cedar Elite   $10,000 and up

Gold, Platinum and Cedar Elite sponsors will be recognized on our website and in our newsletters, unless donors request to be anonymous.
Donations can be made via:

1· PayPal or credit card through our website, using DONATE option

2· Check payable to LebNet and mailed to LebNet, C/O Fares Mubarak, 773 Summit Creek Lane, Pleasanton CA 94566

3· Stock donations using the following information: PrimeVest DTC number: 0701, Account Registration: LEBNET, Account Number: 51475052
LebNet is a 501c3 non-profit organization and your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please use EIN 27-3472825 for reporting purposes. Donate what you can and take the tax deduction this calendar/tax year. You will receive an email confirmation as your receipt. As our drive progresses, we will publish on our website the tracking results towards our goal, highlighting the aggregate amount donated by our Board of Directors and our members.

Thank you for your support and generosity. 
The LebNet Team

LebNet, a non-profit organization, serves as a multi-faceted platform for Lebanese professionals residing in the US and Canada, entrepreneurs, investors, business partners in a broad technology eco-system, and acts as a bridge to their counterparts in Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East......


205 De Anza Blvd., #315, San Mateo, CA 94402, USA. +1.650.539.3536

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